Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day 2...Is It Over Yet?

Day 2 is a little harder than day 1. I am hungry. After school today I ate some banana bread. Mmmmmmmm it was tasty, and it has fruit in it, right?
Both of the pedometers I have don't work, so counting 10,000 steps wasn't going to happen today. I have done 17 minutes on the treadmill so far, and am headed back for some more here in a bit.
Lettuce sucks. That kind of food is for rabbits. What sustenance could some faded green leaf have in it anyway? Salad for lunch doesn't make me happy. I am going to have to spice it up and figure out some different low calorie options.

1 comment:

  1. hang in there jul - it'll get better - remember snacks (healthy ones of course) are fine throughout the day.
