Monday, January 19, 2009

One Week

Tomorrow will be the first weigh-in since I've started on my diet. It has definitely been hard. I have gone to bed hungry and wake up hungry, but overall, I think I've conquered. Making better food choices was my goal for the week, and I stuck to that. By the way, 100 calorie packs suck. Who wants a morsel of a cookie or bite of something sweet like that? I love how people say that stuff is great for when you're having a sweet attack or whatever! They are full of crap. All that does for me is make me want to rip open about 10 more packages!
Anyway...I have a bum knee, but have been much more active this week than normal (hence the bum knee). We did a lot of snowmobiling this past weekend, and I made sure to get out and walk and do the treadmill. I feel good about that. What I'll really feel good about is if the scale is down at least a few pounds tomorrow.
Wish me luck!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Salad Sucks

Salad is not filling. I don't care what anyone says, either. Unless you load the thing with meat and cheese, it is not a meal. Since I hate lettuce, I have been eating raw veggies off of my salad at lunch. That paired with an orange today left me ravenous when I got home from work at 4:45. My wonderful husband decided it would be a good idea to make brownies that wound up staring me in the face as soon as I entered the house. Thanks for the support honey! My morning snack consists of a handful of pretzels, which is at least OK for the salt part of it, but a handful of brownies late this afternoon would have been much more satisfying.
So why is it that my daughter wants to drink my Slim-Fast? She calls it a milkshake (if she only knew), and downs it like it is one. Dinner tonight was fighting Macie for part of that crappy vanilla "shake" and some crackers. Yummy!
Midnight has been the bewitching hour of my hunger pangs. I can't sleep as it is, and to be going to bed hungry downright blows.
The exercise thing is working out OK. My friend Kelly lent me some workout DVDs and (along with Macie at my side) I did part of the Biggest Loser one and finished with 45 minutes on the treadmill. Not bad for the lately sedentary me!
And, what the hell is willpower? It is a load of crap, that's what it is. And, it is something I definitely don't have much of.
Anybody ever hear of fat and happy?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day 2...Is It Over Yet?

Day 2 is a little harder than day 1. I am hungry. After school today I ate some banana bread. Mmmmmmmm it was tasty, and it has fruit in it, right?
Both of the pedometers I have don't work, so counting 10,000 steps wasn't going to happen today. I have done 17 minutes on the treadmill so far, and am headed back for some more here in a bit.
Lettuce sucks. That kind of food is for rabbits. What sustenance could some faded green leaf have in it anyway? Salad for lunch doesn't make me happy. I am going to have to spice it up and figure out some different low calorie options.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day One

So here's the real deal.....weighing oneself when you're overweight sucks. In fact, it was worse than I thought at the official first weigh in at work today. I was distraught, disappointed, and plain embarassed at what I saw on the scale. I wallowed in my own self pity for a few hours, and then decided to get mad. I cranked out some walking while I chaperoned a basketball game and then did stairs as pennance with my nephew.

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Night Before I joined the "Biggest Loser" competition at work. I need help. I need to pay money and have someone weigh my fat butt weekly so I can finally embark on an adventure that I should have started years ago! Anyway, the first official weigh in is tomorrow. I'm sure to scare the heck out of the nurse doing the data. She'll take one look at the number on the scale and think to herself, "Good thing Julie signed on to do this!''
It's not a secret. I'm fat. I'm downright, sincerely, sickening fat (for me, anyway). My thought has always been that if I had inherited the tall gene I could continue the way I am going. The fat would just disperse in other (taller) areas. Too bad my parents are short and, thanks to them procreating, here I am in all of my 5' 2" chubby glory.
There has been no real epiphany about this for me, either. I like to eat, I enjoy food, and my pants don't fit. Simple as that.
Shall I reveal my weight? Well, I think not. Not now anyway. I'm not really sure of the exact number, and I'm not sure I really want to know. Tuesdays until March 17th will be all-telling!
So, here's to the cake, brownies, cookies, candy bars, pizza, chips, dip, and pop that I will be missing dearly. I will be back someday junk food....when I learn how to eat you in moderation. Does that really happen? :)
As my parents always said..."We've got a diet for you....push yourself away from the table!"
Ah, to be that I wish!

To my fellow team members and ACS competitors...Here's to successful weight loss for all of us!
Good luck!